
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Get “Everyone’s a Theologian” for a Gift of Any Amount

We can’t escape being theologians. God made us in His image, and we are built to think in theological terms. We are built to think about God, about who He is and what He does.

Each person has a theology that’s based on how they view God. Even atheists have an understanding of the God whom they reject (Rom. 1:18–32). Since we’re all theologians by nature, the question isn’t whether we will be theologians; it is whether we will be good theologians or bad theologians.

Our goal at Ligonier Ministries is to help people base their understanding of God on the Word of God—Scripture. In an era when misunderstanding of divine truth abounds, training people to think God’s thoughts after him is vital for making sure they truly know the One who is Truth Himself. Keep reading

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