
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Is It Wrong If I Don’t Want My Church to Grow?

One of the foundational beliefs of the church growth movement is that every church should desire to grow. And if you don’t want your church to grow, there’s something wrong. Probably something wrong with you.

So let me get right to it and answer the question in today’s title.

Is it wrong if I don’t want my church to grow? YES.

Always. Without reservation. No excuses allowed. No “buts” added.

It is always wrong when a follower of Jesus, and especially a church leader, doesn’t want their church to grow.

People need Jesus. As long as there is one person in our community that doesn’t know Jesus, one child in poverty, one scared, pregnant teenager, or one person anywhere with a need that Jesus wants us to meet, we need to reach out to them.

Any follower of Jesus who does anything less than their best to reach people because they want their church to stay small, familiar and comfortable is selfish, settling or worse. It is burying your talent. If you think that language is too harsh, Jesus was harsher. He called such a bury-your-talent-and-sit-on-what-we-have attitude, “wicked and lazy.

So, if you are intentionally or unintentionally putting up roadblocks that are hindering your church from growing, that needs to stop. Now. Remove those obstacles. Stop being the obstacle. And start being the church – vibrant, outward-reaching, innovative, healthy and growing. Keep reading

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