
Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Keri Folmar: 7 Mistakes We Make in Women's Bible Study

Jesus wants women to be theologically minded and grounded in the Scriptures. That's why he commended Mary, who sat "at the Lord's feet and listened to his teaching" (Luke 10:39), while Martha served Jesus and his disciples. Instead of applauding Martha for her service, Jesus approved Mary for choosing "the good portion, which will not be taken away from her" (Luke 10:42). Mary chose the one thing that is still necessary today. Women who are students of the Bible, serious about studying it and hearing it taught, choose the good portion, the one thing that is necessary.

Women's Bible studies can help us get serious about the Scriptures. They spur us on to stay in God's Word and think deeply about what it means and how it applies to our lives. But, just as Martha became "distracted with much serving" (Luke 10:40) and neglected sitting at Jesus' feet, we women can become distracted and lose focus—even when we gather together for Bible study. Here are seven common mistakes we tend to make. Keep reading

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