
Monday, March 03, 2014

More Pointers for Pastors and Lay Preachers - four articles and one video

Kevin DeYoung: Expository Preaching [Video]

Kevin DeYoung, Senior Pastor at University Reformed Church(RCA) in East Lansing, Michigan, on expository preaching, it's strengths and weaknesses. Watch now

Brandon Hilgemann: 6 Principles of Sticky Sermons

What makes a sticky sermon? What makes a message have staying power?

As preachers, it should be our goal to teach sticky messages. We want our audience to remember the sermon. Nobody wants to spend hours every week to prepare a message that nobody remembers.

So, what makes a sermon sticky? Keep reading

Dave Early: 6 Keys to Life-Changing Preaching and Teaching

Few persons have ever preached with the transforming power and practicality of John the Baptizer. When he preached, lives were changed. From the sample sermon described in Luke 3:7–9 we can learn six significant aspects of teaching the Word with practicality and power. Keep reading

Seven Theological Reasons for Preaching

Theology is more important than methodology. There will be times in your ministry when you will be tempted to give up on preaching. Seasons of blessing come and go and are often as unpredictable as the weather. The one predictable thing is that sooner or later you will experience times of drought in your preaching. For weeks or months you will open the Scriptures and preach with passion and fidelity, and yet, little or nothing will seem to happen in the lives of your listeners. There will be no rain of blessing. No spiritual fruit bursting forth in the lives of your listeners. No observable results. During these times you will, as I have done, begin to think about investing your energy in other things. “If this is not working,” we say to ourselves, “I am better off to do something else.” But what? Keep reading

Paul Lamey: 7 Helpful and Overlooked Books for Preaching

My mentors in ministry constantly emphasized: “be a student of your craft.” The nurse, car mechanic, and the pastor share something in common, along with many other vocations. They are students and practitioners of their callings. The expositor is both a student and a teacher. The pathway to expository preaching is lined with books, so we give some of the weightiest attention of our vocation to reading. Keep reading

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