
Monday, March 03, 2014

Rick Warren: Churches That Change to Be Healthier Experience 5 Renewals (Part 2)

I wrote last week about the first two of these five renewals through which God takes us as we become healthier. And here are the other three.

Missional Renewal

The third renewal is missional renewal or “purpose renewal.” This stage of renewal has to do with “purpose.” In missional renewal our church realizes that we are not here for ourselves; we’re here for a purpose. God has a job for us to do. We have a mission, an objective; we have some work to accomplish. We’re not just a little “bless me” clique where we get together in church, have a good time, love God and one another, and then go home. No, God has a purpose for us. He has a kingdom to be built. Understanding this and making God’s purposes our leadership responsibility will inevitably cause our church to grow. The book, The Purpose Driven Church, is all about purpose renewal and how to structure and organize around God’s purposes for his church. Keep reading

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