
Saturday, March 08, 2014

Tamara Rice: Spring Into Outreach

7 Ideas to connect with your community during the spring

Spring Tea
A traditional English tea party—especially one in a colorful garden—offers a brief escape for today’s busy women who would never, of their own volition, take the time to sit outside and enjoy a cup of tea and a crumpet. Throw in a speaker (with a topic general enough to appeal to a broad spectrum) or even live music, and you’ll have an event church women will feel confident inviting female friends to enjoy.

Spring Makeover
Organize a crack team of handymen (and women) to tackle a rundown building in your community. Be sure it’s a selfless task that benefits those “outside” the kingdom. Get the proper permission, permits and supplies, and have fun. Keep reading

I am posting this article to "prime the pump," so to speak. I hope that it will encourage your church or small group to come up with ideas of its own on how it can connect with your community during the spring. 

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