
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Teach Your Team for a Change

The Apostle Paul provided a succinct summary of the roles of church leaders. In Ephesians 4:12, he said church leaders exist “to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.” Equip can also be translated train, teach, or prepare. When we stop to consider Paul’s instructions, we recognize our need to rethink our approach to teaching adults. Preparing them for ministry isn’t the same as inviting them to classes.

You don’t need me to tell you that adults are busy. Their brains are bombarded with thousands of messages every day. Deep inside their brains is a filter that separates the needed information from the unneeded information. Needed information is usually connected to real life. Advertisers understand this principle. That’s why most advertisements deal with the consumer’s “need” for the product.

The “need filter” is unconsciously applied to every received message—even the Bible. This isn’t a sign of a person’s disrespect for God’s Word. It is a blatant reality that many church leaders have forgotten or ignored. Take another look at Ephesians 4:12.“Works of service” are personal manifestations of the Holy Spirit’s work in an individual’s life. It’s not our job to train them to do what we want them to do; it is our job to equip them to do what God prompts them to do. This is a huge shift in thinking for most church leaders. Keep reading

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