
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Atonement in the Garden: Genesis 3 by Dr. Jon Akin

The head-crushing, veil-tearing, atoning expectation of a Messiah

Over the course of the next couple of months, we're running a series of blog posts on the atonement. A number of thought-leaders on the subject will share a bit from their studies on the scarlet thread that runs through the entirety of the Scriptures.

I am the General Editor of The Gospel Project, and this spring The Gospel Project is focusing its study on the matter of the atonement throughout the Scriptures. On Friday, I blogged about a new, free eBook from The Gospel Project called The Scarlet Thread Through the Bible, which is a famous W.A. Criswell sermon turned into a free eBook.

If you haven't seen The Gospel Project, I encourage you to download a free month of Christ-centered material for kids, students, and adults.

Last week, the first installment of our series on the atonement came from Dr. Stephen Um, who wrote about the atonement and blood, explaining Leviticus 17.

This week, Dr. Jon Akin, Senior Pastor of Fairview Church in Lebanon, TN, writes on the atonement and the Garden of Eden from Genesis 3. Keep reading

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