
Saturday, March 08, 2014

Tom Lindberg: What Good Is Preaching? VS. What Is Good Preaching?

It's amazing how the same four words arranged in a different order create an entirely different question. As to the first question — What Good Is Preaching? — I will let the New Testament and 20 centuries of transformational preaching answer that. Let's think together about the second question — What Is Good Preaching?

What yardstick can we use to measure good preaching? Is a sermon good because people compliment you after the service? Or is your preaching good because the offering increases 30 percent over last week? There is a saying that is not only true, but exceptionally helpful:

“Methods are many, principles are few;

Methods always change, principles never do.”

Let's apply three road-tested, biblical principles to sermons and see if they help us crystalize good preaching. Keep reading

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