
Tuesday, April 08, 2014

3 Ways to Implode as a Leader

We shouldn’t be surprised when great leaders implode, when their inner lives cave in dramatic fashion. We should grieve, pray, and love, but we shouldn’t think ourselves better and we shouldn’t be caught off guard.

David, a man after God’s own heart, imploded spiritually, and this adversely impacted lots of lives in the process. Sadly, when leaders implode, they aren’t the only ones impacted. And if David, the king of Israel, can self-destruct—surely I can too. After all, I haven’t penned any psalms, expressed kindness to an enemy to the degree in which David expressed kindness to Saul, led God’s people into war and then worshiped, or killed the representative head of a pagan army. My leadership resume falls way short of David’s.

Yet we can learn from David’s internal implosion, a disaster that was externally expressed in adultery with Bathsheba, subsequent murder, and an elaborate cover-up. The first few verses of 2 Samuel 11 provides some insight. If you want to self-destruct as a leader, follow these simple principles.... Keep reading

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