
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

5 Huge Benefits of Being a Multi-Generational Church

Many churches either have lots of families or lots of college students, but not both. Here are some reasons to pursue a church of multiple generations worshiping and serving together.

Have you seen the car commercial that talks about having “this or that” and how much better it is to have “this and that”?

That commercial illustrates how I feel about the local church I get the privilege of leading. We’re planted in the heart of the University District in Seattle, and what started simply as a college ministry has become something far more complex and messy—yet beautiful.

Many of the churches in our area swing far to one side of the pendulum: they are either comprised of mainly families, or they have few families but a large group of college students. Rarely does a church have much of both, but by God’s grace, we do. Keep reading

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