
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Biblical Literacy in the Church: Three Benefits

In my book I Am a Church Member, I reference the envelope check-off system. Some of you are older like me. So you remember these envelopes.

Each week at church you would turn in your offering in an envelope. On the outside of the envelope was a place for your name, the amount you were giving, and a series of boxes to check if you were diligent in several spiritual activities for the week.

So you would check the box that indicated you were attending worship service. Another box said you were going to a Sunday School class. Still another communicated that you were tithing.

And then there was that other box. I can almost remember my hands shaking as my pen approached the minute cube: “Read Bible daily.”

Ouch. I read the Bible five days the previous week, but not all seven days. Wasn’t that sufficient for the inquisitive box? I would be tempted to check the box but, alas, I couldn’t tell the lie.

After all, I had read Acts 5 and the story about Ananias and Sapphira.

I was taking no chances. Would you? Keep reading

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