
Friday, April 18, 2014

Crucified With Christ—Calvary

“One of the reasons we exhibit very little spiritual power is because we are unwilling to accept and experience the fellowship of the Savior’s sufferings, which means acceptance of His cross.” —A.W. Tozer

“May I see your I.D.?” These are familiar words to us today in our security-conscious world. Before boarding an airplane, the most important item we must have in our possession is some legitimate form of identification. Otherwise, we won’t be allowed on the flight.

Someday at heaven’s gates, we will be checked to make sure we have the correct “identification” as well. I call it our Easter I.D. When we have a correct Easter I.D. we live our lives in view of his, the way God wants us to—as “hidden with Christ in God” (Col. 3:3).

The events in that final week of Jesus’ ministry on earth—the Garden, the Cross and the Resurrection—serve as a roadmap of reassurance for us. When we have a correct Easter I.D. we do more than simply believe in Jesus Christ; we identify with him and correlate the events in our lives to the events in his. Keep reading

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