
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Dave Gibbons: What's Next for the Church?

Recently, I returned from the southern region of India where I attended a tech conference. Every time I travel to India (this was my sixth time to be there), I see dramatic changes from my previous visit that illustrate the nation’s emerging wealth and influence. The conference was held at the Infosys Technologies campus—a facility of more than 300 acres with European-style architecture with Corinthian columns, a huge pool and a large workout gym, two large eating areas, a convenience store and a bank, all on the premises, which is also home to more than 5,000 resident interns.

Against this backdrop suggestive of India’s economic growth and technological innovation, Sweden’s Hans Rosling, a brilliant statistician, spoke of the emergence of the East, and fielded the question, “When will the East surpass the West in per capita income?”

The projection? On July 10, 2048, China and India will overtake the West, a development that can be tracked in real time on, where dynamic graphics depict the West’s skyrocketing economic growth, its plateau, and then the surge of the East. Keep reading

1 comment:

  1. Is Dave Gibbons a racist? Many of his comments are anti-western and pro-eastern, thumbs down to the West and a thumbs up to the East. What does this have to do with Jesus Christ.

    I have my own prediction that is biblical. The Bible is crystal clear of the fact that Israel will be the richest nation and the center of the World when Jesus returns. Dave needs to study the Bible and stop promoting the World.
