
Monday, April 28, 2014

First Brazilian Reformed Anglican Congregation Received into the Free Church of England

On Easter Sunday 2014, in a historic turn of events, the first of three Brazilian Reformed Anglican congregations was received into the Free Church of England (FCE). Its reception is the first step toward the development of the FECE in Brazil and the expansion of the FCE mission outside the United Kingdom. These congregations are registered under the name Igreja Anglicana Reformada do Brasil (IARB). The FCE has committed itself to supporting gospel work in Brazil through the IARB.

The FCE and the IARB began informal conversations in 2011. At its National Synod in 2012 the IARB voted to seek affiliation with the FCE. The FCE warmly welcomed this request at its Convocation in 2013. The FCE is currently drawing up new Canons, which will enable it to develop missionary and overseas dioceses. The IARB congregations are presently under the oversight of the FCE Bishop Primus under the provisions of the existing Canons.

The first FCE congregations were formed in 1844. They came together under a common constitution in 1863. See the accompanying article, “The Articles of Religion of the Free Church of England, for the FCE confession of faith.  

For over 150 years the FCE has been a faithful witness to the Gospel in Great Britain and other parts of the world. In the twenty-first century the FCE is seeking to expand its mission beyond the United Kingdom, as well as to further establish new congregations and ministries in the British Isles.

The orders of the FCE are recognized by the Church of England.

The IARB began with a small house church. At its first Synod in 2009 the representatives of five congregations and missions were in attendance. Since that time the IARB has grown to more than dozen congregations and missions.

For further information contact:

The Right Revd Dr John Fenwick, Bishop Primus of the Free Church of England.

The Right Revd Josep Rossello, Commissary for the Brazilian Churches.


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