
Saturday, April 05, 2014

Karaoke, art connect journeymen to culture

In a dim room walled with mirrors in East Asia, Phillip Bonner* and Jared Knight* watch a flashing TV screen and sing along to blaring karaoke music with their young friends. After a few hours, they pause the music and share their testimonies.

The next day, the two IMB workers sit in their small apartment. Bonner is at his computer creating artwork representing a Bible story in the style traditional to the unreached people group they seek to evangelize. Knight sits at a table with an open scrapbook, attaching pictures and writing Scripture verses.

The International Mission Board identifies a people group as an ethno-linguistic group with a common self-identity, and considers it unreached when less than 2 percent are evangelical Christians. Keep reading

See also
Painting talents provide joy, ministry

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