
Monday, April 14, 2014

Let the Word Dwell in You: Why It Matters

When asked by Roman Christians how God could allow a Christian empire to fall, Augustine wisely responded that Rome had not become a Christian empire under Constantine, nor did Rome fall because—as some had alleged—she turned away from her protective pagan deities. Augustine argued that, if anything, Rome fell because her turn to the God of truth was too late.

So, what does the implosion of fifth-century Rome have to do with our twenty-first century society? Well, as the writer of Ecclesiastes well noted, there is nothing new under the sun. That is, a society graced with the transforming revelation of the God of truth has as much responsibility as any other to steward that sacred trust. When neglect of that trust becomes so prolific that it impacts the entire society negatively, implosion is inevitable. Keep reading

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