
Thursday, April 10, 2014

'Lostness' on campuses needs church plant 'multiplication'

A church planter on the campus of Bowling Green State University in Ohio, Warren joined 85 other collegiate ministry leaders for three days of learning at Resonate Church's plants at Washington State University in Pullman and the University of Idaho in Moscow.

"Sometimes you just feel alone -- like 'Are we the only ones doing collegiate church planting?'" said Warren, pastor of a church named h2o at the Ohio campus. "You're looking to yourself to figure out what you should do next, but then you come here and you engage all of these other collegiate church planters and hear their stories. We can swap ideas."

The "Hitchhiker's Guide to Resonate" conference was sponsored by the North American Mission Board at one of the fastest-multiplying Southern Baptist collegiate church plants in North America.

Many of those who attend campus church plants learned to drive during the Obama administration. Part-time earners provide a large portion of the tithes. And the plants face a turnover in membership every four to five years.

It's easy for a collegiate church planter to think he's struggling through such challenges by himself. Keep reading

See also
Collegiate church planting gains momentum
Worship CD to fund new church plant

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