
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Moving Toward Church Multiplication Movements: How Multiplication Can Be Enhanced through Denominational Backing

Denominational involvement is one of the key parts of a church multiplication movement.

While rethinking involvement with denominations has become popular, abandoning them all together would be unwise. Most church planting done in West is done by denominations, not individual churches, individual Christians, or even emerging church planting networks. The same is true for U.S. church planting and the vast majority of mission work overseas. If we want to pursue a Church Multiplication Movement, we will need the enthusiastic support of denominations and denominational leaders.

Christians were never meant to be self-sufficient islands that could grow, multiply, and accomplish the Great Commission on their own. Churches can't do it either—at lest not alone. They need other churches in partnership. So, if a Church Multiplication Movement is going to happen, denominational support is not optional—it's mandatory.

No matter how savvy the leaders, how compelling the stories, or how joyous the celebrations, without the multi-faceted support of a denominations, Church Multiplication Movements will probably not thrive.

I can conceive of a future that simply moves beyond denominations, but that future is not yet here. If a Multiplication Movement happens now, it will involve—must involve—denominations. Keep reading


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