
Saturday, April 05, 2014

NYC churches again suffer court setback

Dozens of churches stand to lose their meeting places in New York City public schools after another unfavorable court ruling.

The U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals again upheld Thursday (April 3) a policy that bars worship services in the city's schools, saying the rule does not violate the First Amendment protection of religious liberty. The latest opinion in a nearly 20-year court case enables, though it does not require, the city's Board of Education to evict maybe as many as 80 congregations that use school facilities for corporate worship.

Bronx Household of Faith, the church involved in the lawsuit, is considering whether to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court or beyond the three-judge panel that made the decision to the full appeals court, its lawyer said.

The heads of the Southern Baptist Convention's religious freedom and North American missions entities registered their disagreement with the ruling. Keep reading

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