
Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Perfectly Holy in Jesus Christ

Christ Stimulates a Life of Holiness

When it comes to holiness, I’ve got it, and I’ve got a lock on humility too…

Well, perhaps I better come clean—I struggle to be humble. There, I said it. Thanks for hearing me out; feels good to get that off my chest. At least I’ve still got holiness. Seriously. Just look at the Corinthian Christians. They were messed up (and so am I)! If Paul could call them “sanctified,” or set apart, and “saints,” or holy ones, then I think it’s fair to say I’m holy, for I too have called on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 1:2).

Now, truth be told, I have no claim on holiness as a description of my conduct. I’m holy only in the sense that God the Father has set me apart from the world in Christ through the Holy Spirit (1 Pet. 1:2), but this one sense matters immensely. Let me explain… Keep reading

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