
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Release date announced for ‘Women, Sermons and the Bible’

Should Christians ever take the time to assemble an entire book in response to another book? It depends on the significance of the book, the impact it could have, and the value of the response.
So writes Justin Taylor in an interesting post yesterday about two recent examples of essay collections responding to the challenges raised by particular books. Taylor’s point is that these sorts of interactions can be very useful, not only for debating significant new proposals or challenges to received Christian teaching, but also for equipping thoughtful Christians with the answers, resources and confidence to deal with these challenges as they arise.

On that note, I’m pleased to be able to announce that on Monday 5th May, Matthias Media will release Women, Sermons and the Bible: Essays Interacting with John Dickson’s Hearing Her Voice (edited by Peter Bolt and Tony Payne).

The collection not only responds to the main arguments of Hearing Her Voice (regarding whether women should give sermons in the regular Sunday gathering), but also bounces off this specific question to consider some larger issues, such as.... Keep reading

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