
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Social Media and the Sufficiency of Scripture

Social media has opened up a wonderful new way in which Christians can express spiritual unity despite physical distance. As we repost awareness-raising reports written by Christian organisations about the persecution of Christians in Syria, we rightly feel a sense of solidarity with brothers and sisters all over the world who are as keen to raise awareness as we are. When a Christian friend posts about his sick daughter, within minutes our non-Christian friends can see that a whole bunch of us are praying for healing and strength.

But Christians are no less prone to abusing God’s good gifts as anyone else. The online world can just as easily facilitate expressions of Christian division as it can spiritual unity. In mediums where truth can seemingly be determined by consensus, popularity may become a highly sought-after tool through which factional agendas are furthered. Such popularity can be wrought and maintained by the subtle (or not-so-subtle) defamation of those with whom our agendas conflict. Keep reading

See also
Top 10 Ways to Win at the Internet

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