
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Atonement and the Passover: Exodus 12 by Matt Capps

Christ is our Passover Lamb.

The Passover Event
The Pharaoh-god refused to let Israel go free from slavery despite the Living God's demands through Moses. Pharaoh wanted to keep Israel under his power. God's response to Pharaoh's obstinate defiance in Exodus 7-10 is breathtaking. The one true God of the universe unleashes His power in acts of un-doing creation throughout Pharaoh's land. Order turns into chaos. Light is consumed by darkness. The water becomes a source of death rather than life. The beasts swarm the people and their crops rather than serve them. Finally, just as Pharaoh attempted to destroy God's firstborn son (Ex. 4:22), God now destroys Egypt's with a final plague.

None of the earlier plagues had touched God's people, as they were separated from the Egyptians. Now, the Israelites and the Egyptians are drawn into God's final plague together (Ex. 11:4-5). Israel's involvement in the last plague is significant. If the Israelites did not trust in God's word and follow His instructions; their firstborn would also die. The need for salvation is made clear and the atoning sacrifice is provided on Israel's behalf (Ex. 12). The conditions for atonement are laid out, but Israel must respond in faith. Keep reading

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