
Wednesday, April 02, 2014

The Truth of the Bible Still Matters, and It Always Will

The Bible is literally true.

If I just lost you, that's okay. I get that this may come across as a weird statement to anyone reading who is 1) not a Christian, 2) a new Christian, or 3) a "progressive" Christian who disagrees. And it's downright laughable to the skeptic who denies it on scientific or historical grounds. I'm okay with that.

I made a rather significant decision when I was seventeen years old. I was struggling with God's calling on my life and my father-in-law gave me a copy of W. A. Criswell's autobiography, Standing On the Promises. While reading Criswell's words, I not only became convinced God was calling me to be a Pastor, but also that the foundation for preaching and leadership is the inerrant, infallible Word of God found in the Bible. Criswell recounts this story.... Keep reading

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