
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The UK is one of the most negative countries about religion in public life

Although most people, including leading politicians like David Cameron and Eric Pickles, might want the UK to be known as a Christian country, opinion on the subject is closely divided in the population at large.

In Win/Gallup International's poll of 1,034 Britons, 35 per cent said they felt religion had a positive impact on the country, while 29 per cent took the opposite view.

The pollsters calculated net positivity or negativity scores for countries by subtracting the percentage of those with negative views from the percentage of those positive about the influence.

Overall, Britain's net positive score about religion's influence on society was only 6 per cent, putting it low down on the table compared to the rest of the world.

Out of a total of 68,800 people surveyed across 65 countries, 59 per cent said they thought religion had a positive impact in their nations, while just under a quarter (22 per cent) said they felt the impact was negative.

The overall global positivity score was 37 per cent. Keep reading

See also
Atheists are 'deluding' themselves in denying Britain is a Christian country
Attorney General: Rise of fundamentalism is 'damaging' Christianity

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