
Tuesday, April 08, 2014

What If God Chose to Be Silent?

Imagine if the invisible God did chose to be silent rather than to disclose Himself. Imagine if Hebrews 1:1-2 were not true—that this invisible, infinite, personal, sovereign Creator did not speak to the fathers “by the prophets at different times and in different ways,” nor did He disclose Himself most fully “by His Son” (i.e., in the person and work of Jesus Christ). Imagine that the Bible is nothing more than an intricate piece of literary fiction, not really inspired communication from the invisible God.

If God chose to be silent, we would know no love, for God is love. We would know no sense of justice or equity, for God is holy. We’d have no capacity for creativity or cultural progress, for God is Creator.

But God has spoken! Not only do the heavens declare the reality of the invisible God, but also, in His incarnate Son, He has declared fully and finally, “I AM.” Keep reading

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