
Saturday, April 26, 2014

'Whole Gospel' needed in sexualized age

Evangelicals must proclaim the Christian sexual ethic and the 'whole Gospel' to an increasingly confused culture, Southern Baptist lead ethicist Russell D. Moore told pastors and others during a three-day leadership summit.

The president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) said fulfilling their God-given commission means Southern Baptists and other evangelical Christians must truthfully address the deception foisted upon people by the devil and his demonic forces.

"[I]f we tell the culture around us what we think they want to hear or if we practice the sort of selective universalism that tells them what they want to hear only as it relates to sexuality, we will not breed evangelism," Moore said April 22. "We will breed cynicism from a group of people who will say, 'If we cannot trust you to tell us the truth about your Gospel, then how can we trust you to tell us how to be resurrected from the dead.'"

Moore delivered one of the keynote addresses during the first ERLC Leadership Summit, which addressed the topic "The Gospel and Human Sexuality" April 21-23 in Nashville. Keep reading

See also
Sex-saturated culture addressed at summit

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