
Saturday, April 05, 2014

Why Being a Pastor Is NOT For Everybody

I remember a few years ago when a major league baseball player was fined by his team for statements that he made in public. Radio talk shows discussed the matter for several days. Some callers ranted about the right to free speech while others pointed out the employer’s right to set rules for his employee’s behavior.

My favorite caller made a statement like this (paraphrase), “I’m not much of an athlete, but I’m pretty sure I could hold my tongue for the salary of a major league pitcher.” Listening to his comments on the radio that day, I remember saying to myself, “Exactly.”

Later, several of my pastor friends and I laughed at the thought of one of us making inappropriate statements from the pulpit under the guise of the “right to free speech.” However, much like the caller on the radio, we are more than happy to hold our tongue (and watch our lives) for the privilege of serving as pastors.

The pastorate has clearer qualifications and standards than any other profession imaginable. Keep reading

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