
Thursday, May 22, 2014

7 Ways to Draw Millennials to Your Church

In 6 Reasons Millennials Aren’t at Your Church, we looked at the statistical data behind why an individual church may not be effective in reaching young adults.

LifeWay Research found 70 percent of young adults who indicated they attended church regularly for at least one year in high school do drop out of regular church attendance. That does not mean, however, they have left never to return. In fact, according to LifeWay Research, almost two-thirds return and currently attend church (within the time frame of the study).

That same study found most don’t make a conscious decision to leave due to a doctrinal dispute or significant disagreement. They simply drift away because the church doesn’t seem as important to their lives as it once did. Many have looked at a church and decided it is no longer relevant.

So how can churches change that? What can you do to draw millennials to your church and have them plant roots in your congregation? Keep reading

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