
Thursday, May 01, 2014

Are You a Heretic?

"To know nothing of what happened before you were born," Cicero observed more than 2,000 years ago, "is to forever remain a child." The Roman philosopher's words are no less true today. If you're a Christian, the history of the church is the history of your family. Studying it need not be dull and boring. Properly done, it will instruct, exhilarate, give perspective, illuminate, inspire, humble, convict, and fire worship.

The first installments in Zondervan's new KNOW series, Justin Holcomb's Know the Creeds and Councils and Know the Heretics are accessible travel guides to the some of the significant events, doctrines, and heresies throughout Christian history. Each chapter covers a statement of faith (or heresy) and includes a glimpse of the historical context, an overview of key points, discussion questions, and suggested further reading.

In every generation, the Christian church must restate its bedrock beliefs, answering the challenges and concerns of the day. In these books Holcomb leads us through centuries of creeds, councils, catechisms, and confessions—as well as the errors that occasioned them—and reveals their profound relevance for today.

I spoke with Holcomb, Episcopal priest and professor at Reformed Theological Seminary and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, about the need for creeds and confessions, today's most "live" heresies, threats on the horizon, and more. Keep reading

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