
Friday, May 02, 2014

Biblical Illiteracy and the Knowledge of God (Part 1) by Toby Jennings

Dr. Toby Jennings expresses his concerns regarding biblical illiteracy and the affect it has on the knowledge of God.

Recent research estimates that just over half of the American population considers itself Protestant Christian, with just over a quarter being Evangelical Protestant. To what may we attribute such decline?

Undoubtedly, at least one reason is a decline in knowing God, significantly influenced by biblical illiteracy. If a person is to be known by what he or she determines to reveal about him or herself, then the correlation between biblical illiteracy and a diminished knowledge of God is evident. If the invisible God has chosen to reveal himself by means of Scripture, need we even ask the question "How does one come to know God?"

When being interrogated before King Agrippa, the apostle Paul responded, "I am convinced that none of these things escapes his notice, since this was not done in a corner" (Acts 26.26). That is, the events surrounding God's consummate self-disclosure in Jesus Christ are no secret. To wit, the commemoration of Easter just celebrated around the world is ardent testimony to this fact. Keep reading

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