
Thursday, May 01, 2014

Does Your Church Need A New Brand?

Ten years ago, nobody was talking about churches and brands (or at least, nobody I knew). But that didn’t mean churches didn’t have brands, or that branding didn’t exist. It simply meant we didn’t have words to explain branding and why it mattered in the same way we do now.

Now, everybody is talking about churches and branding, and there are plenty of mixed feelings on the subject. Some say we shouldn’t have to “market God” while others explain that it’s not marketing God so much as it is doing our due diligence to make sure the love of Jesus is properly represented in our communities.

My take on the argument is this: It’s our responsibility to make sure our “brand” doesn’t get in the way of reaching others with God’s love and truth.

All churches have brands.

This is where we have to start in this conversation because some churches would argue that they don’t have a brand. And, if we were to use the old definition of a brand (a logo, design or wrapper) they might be right. But a “brand” as I would define it is simply the experience someone has of your church. Keep reading

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