
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Eric Geiger on Personal Development: Two Articles

4 Spheres of Personal Development

Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and with people [Luke 2:52]

Jesus’ teenage years are essentially summed up in the above verse. He grew in wisdom, physically, relationally with people, and in favor with God. Christian educators have referenced the verse to show how we grow and develop across multiple spheres: cognitive (in wisdom), physical (stature), spiritual (in favor with God), and social (in favor with people).

We are unified because our God, who exists as a community of three Persons in One, created us in His image. In other words, we can’t slice and dichotomize our lives into disparate parts. And because we are whole and unified people, struggles in one sphere of life impact all the other areas. Keep reading

4 Questions to Plan Your Development

Jesus grew in wisdom, in stature, and in favor with God and man (Luke 2:52). If we look to His development as an example, we will desire mental, physical, spiritual, and relational health. We don’t seek to grow in order to earn His love, grace, or favor. His perfection is already ours, already freely given to us by His grace. But because He has already accepted and approved us, we should strive towards the goal of Christlikeness – seeking to live up to what we have already attained.

As we consider our development, we should consider all areas of our lives because we are unified people and each area of our life impacts the other areas. As I have thought through my personal development and helped other leaders consider their development, I have used the following framework and questions. Keep reading

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