
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

For Every Minister Who Struggles With Your Prayer Life

A healthy prayer life is hard work.

At least it is for me.

If you’re one of those rare Christians who finds your prayer life to be easy, joyous and endlessly fulfilling, we’re grateful for you and the role you play in the body of Christ. But the rest of us dislike you just a little. (Click here for a definition of sarcasm, if needed).

Pastors are not immune to struggling with our prayer life. In fact, we may be more susceptible to it.

In my experience and conversations, plus almost every poll taken about the prayer lives of ministers, those of us who struggle with prayer are in the majority. So if you’re a minister who struggles with prayer, like me, I hope it helps to know you’re not alone.

Prayer is really hard for most of us.

I think I know why.

Prayer is hard because the results are long-term. Keep reading

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