
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Gender violence endemic in India and Pakistan; perpetrators go unpunished

Indian teen girls gang-raped and hanged from a tree: police

Indian police have arrested one man and are looking for four other suspects after two teenage girls were gang-raped and then hanged from a tree in a village in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, police said on Thursday.

The two cousins, who were from a low-caste Dalit community and aged 14 and 15, went missing from their village home in Uttar Pradesh's Budaun district when they went out to go to the toilet on Tuesday evening.

The following morning, villagers found the bodies of the two teenagers hanging from a mango tree in a nearby orchard....

The victim's families say the girls were gang-raped and then hanged by five men from the village. They allege that local police were shielding the attackers as they refused to take action when the girls were first reported missing. Keep reading

Pregnant Pakistani woman stoned to death by family

A pregnant woman was stoned to death Tuesday by her own family outside a courthouse in the Pakistani city of Lahore for marrying the man she loved.

The woman was killed while on her way to court to contest an abduction case her family had filed against her husband. Her father was promptly arrested on murder charges, police investigator Rana Mujahid said, adding that police were working to apprehend all those who participated in this "heinous crime."

Arranged marriages are the norm among conservative Pakistanis, and hundreds of women are murdered every year in so-called honor killings carried out by husbands or relatives as a punishment for alleged adultery or other illicit sexual behavior. Keep reading

See also
Pregnant Pakistani Woman Stoned to Death by Family Members for Marrying for Love
Stoned woman's husband condemns Pakistani police
Pakistani woman stoned to death for choosing her own husband in 'honor killing'


Rape is defined as sexual intercourse done to female victim without her consent . It is either done by a single person or a group of people forcibly . People who are raped suffer from several disorders . Their might be chances of victim being pregnant or may suffer from sexual transmiited diseases (HIV ,AIDS) if there is no use condom during sexual intercourse.

Rapes are done due to variety of reasons due to sexual attraction , rejection of marriage proposal, breakups or to take revenge . In some cases there may not be in any valid reason behind rapes , it might be just that want to sex or might be just to prove there male dominance .Rapists don’t select victims by their appearance .Those victims are only selected are easily reachable , it can be a girl going to college or school or to job or coming to her home by bus or car. Keep reading
Darlit girls and women are frequently the victims of rape.
Honor Killing

An honor killing is the homicide of a member of a family or social group by other members, due to the perpetrators’ belief that the victim has brought shame or dishonour upon the family or community.

Honor killings are a result of the position of women in society. In these traditional male dominated societies women are dependent first on their father and then as a way of ensuring compliance and preventing rebellion. on their husband, whom they are expected to obey. Women are viewed as property and not as individuals with their own agency. As such, they must submit to male authority figures in the family – failure to do so can result in extreme violence as punishment. Keep reading

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