
Monday, May 26, 2014

I Wasn’t Afraid to Go to Church Yesterday: A Memorial Day Tribute

Yesterday morning, hundreds of millions of people woke up and went to church.

In some places around the world, many people risked their livelihoods, their safety, their families and even their lives to worship together.

If you live in one of the nations where you can go to church without fear, let’s take a moment today to be thankful for that.

In America, today is Memorial Day. Instead of going to work, people will gather for BBQs in backyards and parks. They’ll go to community pools, beaches and riverbanks for water play. In those and hundreds of other ways, we celebrate this day that has become the unofficial first day of summer.

But this day off isn’t just an excuse to eat hamburgers and hot dogs. Keep reading

See also
Memorial Day: Bought With a Price
Remembering the Sacrifice: A Lutheran Reflects on Memorial Day
Rightful Revelry: Cautions Concerning Combining Patriotism and Worship

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