
Monday, May 26, 2014

Isaac Watts: The Calvinist

As a biblically informed theologian and preacher, Isaac Watts found his mind and imagination drawn to meditation on the infinity of the God who, by His power and authority, laid out and sustained the heavens and the entire universe. Describing Watts’ fascination with the immensity of the sky and heavens, Manning wrote, “In Watts it leads straight to the Calvinist’s awareness of the sovereignty of God.” Watts winsomely wove this awareness of God’s sovereignty in all areas—including salvation—throughout his hymns, as summarized here in a quatrain.... Keep reading

See also
Isaac Watts: Hymns for All Time
Isaac Watts: His Rhymed Sermons
Isaac Watts: A Child Poet
The Poetic Wonder of Isaac Watts — Free eBook
This excerpt is from Douglas Bond’s The Poetic Wonder of Isaac Watts. Download the ebook free through May 31, 2014.

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