
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Know the Heretics: A Book Interview with Justin Holcomb

Justin Holcomb answers questions about his new book on heresy throughout church history.

Q: What makes someone a heretic? What is the difference between orthodoxy and heresy?

Justin Holcomb: A heretic is someone who has compromised an essential doctrine and lost sight of who God really is, usually by oversimplification. Literally, heresy means "choice"—that is, a choice to deviate from traditional teaching in favor of one's own insights.

Orthodoxy is the teaching that best follows the Bible and best summarizes what it teaches — best accounts for the paradoxes and apparent contradictions, best preserves the mystery of God in the places where reason can't go, and best communicates the story of the forgiveness of the gospel. Keep reading

See also
The False Teachers: Teresa of Avila
The False Teachers: T.D. Jakes

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