
Saturday, May 03, 2014

Latest from New Small Church

Big Church Sins vs. Small Church Sins: Who’ll Throw the First Stone?

Big churches and Small Churches bring different gifts to the body of Christ. They also face different sets of temptations, based on their size.

The biggest problem with church size isn’t that there are too many big congregations or too many small ones. I also don’t think there is an ideal church size or a bad church size.

The only problem with church size is when it becomes an excuse for Christians to throw stones at each other.

In the last few weeks, I’ve read, heard or been in conversations in which people have complained about sins of the big church or the sins of the small.

All of them made some valid points. But in all but one case, they named the potential sins of one side/size without mentioning the potential sins of the other. Keep reading

8 Reasons Why It’s OK to Call Your Church a Small Church

“I don’t like calling any church a small church,” someone wrote on a friend’s Facebook page last week. “I like to call them growing churches.”

I hear that sentiment a lot. And I understand it. After all, I used to share it.

As I wrote in The Grasshopper Myth, and I state at the start of pretty much every talk I give to pastors, I didn’t think I was Small Church pastor for the first 25 years I was one.“I don’t like calling any church a small church,” someone wrote on a friend’s Facebook page last week. “I like to call them growing churches.”

For decades (yes, decades!) I refused to acknowledge that my church was small or that I was a Small Church pastor. Not any more. Now, I’m not just OK with it, I celebrate it. Keep reading

Finally, a Definitive List of Every Essential Element for an Effective Church

Too many church leaders spend too much time on too many things that aren’t essential for an effective church.

But what are the essential elements of an effective church?

Good news. I’ve found the definitive list and today I’m going to share it with you.

But first, a few things that aren’t on the list. Keep reading

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