
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Megachurch Pastor: Christians Thinking in Secular Way Contribute to Fast Rise of the 'Nones'

James Emery White: Things That Were Unthinkable 20 Years Ago Now Mainstream

A growing number of Christians, especially among the younger generations, are in jeopardy of being swallowed up by today's cultural norms and secular thinking, only to become unaffiliated to any church or denomination, says the author of The Rise of the Nones: Understanding and Reaching the Religiously Unaffiliated. "We are living in a decisively post-Christian culture and I think it's taking its toll on existing evangelicals and the church in a way that is creating more and more nominal Christians on the way to 'nones' who self-described themselves as evangelicals earlier," author and pastor James Emery White, of Mecklenburg Community Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, said in a recent interview with Ed Stetzer, host of The Exchange.

The "nones" are described as the fastest-growing "religious group" of our day – one in five Americans identify themselves as having no religious affiliation. During the interview, Stetzer quoted one survey that showed 3 in 10 college age students are "nones."

White expressed concern about the negative impact today's culture is having on the church. Keep reading

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