
Thursday, May 01, 2014

Nigeria’s kidnapped teens feared to be abroad

Women’s mass rally in capital demands government try to ‘return’ them to families

Sources say that some of the 230 school girls abducted from Nigeria’s North-Eastern town of Chibok more than two weeks ago have been transferred to neighboring Cameroon and Chad.

Some villagers near the Nigeria-Cameroon border indicate that they have seen girls on board buses heading to Cameroon. Other reports given to the BBC say a ‘bridegroom’ of a girl has been spotted: a bride price of 2000 Naira ($12.50) has been quoted. A local source in Cameroon told World Watch Monitor he confirms similar reports.

Hundreds of people, mostly women, marched to the National Assembly in Abuja; the capital of Nigeria. The demonstrators handed a letter to the President of the Senate calling on the government to do more to secure the release of the school girls abducted by suspected Boko Haram militants.

The rally organisers, a new movement "Women for Peace and Justice" calls for the Nigerian government to mobilise every resource to bring back the girls. Keep reading

See also
#BringBackOurGirls: Mary J Blige, Kenneth Omeruo join calls for release of abducted Nigerian schoolgirls

Photo: World Watch Monitor

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