
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Religious Violence and the Kidnapped Girls

It is an unmitigated horror. There is no excuse and no way of justifying the dreadful kidnapping of the girls in Nigeria. The terror, pain, suffering of those poor young women is beyond comprehension. We must continue to pray for them, support whatever actions are available to rescue them and bring the perpetrators of such a barbaric act to justice.

Yet it is not the only dreadful crime being committed in the name of Islam. The same group that kidnapped these students has also raided and destroyed villages killing the residents. Bombs are being detonated around the world by Islamic terrorists. Violent political unrest has been waged across North Africa and South-West Asia bringing civil war to Syria, a reign of terror in Egypt and Pakistan, and international intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan.

To what extent is this violence due to Islam? Does religion cause wars or do only extremists cause these troubles? Is it only Islam, or do all religions, cause wars? Or has it got nothing to do with religion, other than identifying which side people are on? Are the real fights about property, or money, or some other worldly concern? Keep reading

See also
Nigerian Teachers in Nationwide Strike Over Kidnapped Schoolgirls
Boko Haram not only targeting Christians, says US State Department
Boko Haram's reign of terror: What you need to know

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