
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

What they are missing who believe we can lose our salvation

Those who follow this blog–thank you for your endurance!–will recall that a few months ago, we posted several assurances of the eternality (is that a word?) of our salvation. We mentioned two or three of the strongest affirmations of Scripture that one’s salvation, once given by the Lord Jesus Christ, is forever secure.

To our surprise, some protested.

I should not have been surprised. After all, I was raised in a church of the Arminian persuasion that teaches (officially at least) one can be saved multiple times. As a teen, I recall my mother mentioning some in our large family who were Southern Baptist–”missionary Baptists” she called them–who believed in the doctrine familiarly known as “once saved, always saved.” Mom would say, “They believe you can go out tonight and get drunk and still be saved tomorrow.” Which is true, of course. We do believe that, although that’s not our favorite way to express it. Smiley face, please. (And most definitely not something we encourage. But a person’s salvation has to be stronger than Jack Daniels or we are all in big trouble!)

To be fair, I never once heard a pastor of our home church teach that people may lose their salvation. The pastors have always seemed certain of our security in Christ.

Anyway, long story short, since some protested and insisted that one can lose his salvation in direct contradiction to the sayings of our Lord, the subject will not leave me alone. I’d like to return to it, if I may. (As President Reagan once said, “I paid for this microphone.” It’s my blog, so I can choose any subject I please. Please smile.)

So you will know, I’m not angry and not even arguing. (I am a lover, not a fighter.) Just trying to get at the truth of this most vital doctrine.

It matters a great deal.

Some random thoughts on this subject.... Keep reading

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