
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Why Won't You Forgive?

As a pastor and preacher, there are two topics I have discovered always get pushback when I address them from the pulpit. I can count on a few lively conversations or tough follow-up emails when I speak about personal finances (generous living) and any time I preach about forgiveness. It is the second topic that seems to take me by surprise. I am baffled every time someone corners me and tries to explain why they should not have to extend forgiveness, even though Jesus was emphatic that this is part of the Christian life.

If we refuse to forgive, we compromise our witness to the amazing grace of Jesus. When we hold bitterness rather than showing mercy, we make the world wonder if we really know a God of grace.

The truth is, we have all been wronged, hurt, abused and sinned against—all of us. Jesus knows this. He is personally aware because he actually bore the punishment for those sins. And he calls us to extend forgiveness as we have received it from the Father. Keep reading

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