
Monday, June 23, 2014

Do Not Murder

You shall not murder. For many Christians, there may be a temptation to briefly, and perhaps even simply, to encounter this commandment, saying, “Well, I’m not tempted/going to murder anyone…so I’ve got at least one commandment covered!”

At first blush, I’m tempted to agree with such an assessment. Yet then I wonder why it is I so easily pass on a teaching God himself spoke to Moses (Exodus 20:13) and on which Jesus spoke to the masses (Matthew 5:21-22). Am I so different from those who first received the Lord’s teaching? Do I see in me something of a strong moral fortitude that surpasses that of the common man? If I am being honest, then the answer is “No, I do not.”

I am tempted in this life by that which is common to mankind. So I must look back at the command not to murder and see why it was so important that God spoke these words. This command requires a much deeper look into our own personal view of human life. Keep reading

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