
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

How Tiny Churches Do Things

Not long ago, I was worshiping with friends in a small, rural and very old church not far from our family home in North Alabama. The building was erected in 1857 and has been used by various congregations over the decades. Presently, it’s a Baptist church. The members, mostly retirees, treasure its quaintness and its unpainted exterior and try to keep things natural. The building has no electricity, no nursery, no cushioned pews, and no frills of any kind. A few kerosene lamps can be seen here and there, and out back are the toilets. Since the church activities consist of one service each Sunday at 8:30 am, I’d be surprised if the facilities are ever used.

The members don’t demand a lot of their church and appreciate what they have found, the fellowship. (Some go on to other churches in town later in the morning.) Keep reading

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