
Friday, June 20, 2014

Karl Vaters: How to Tell If Your Small Church Is Strategic Or Stuck

What if Small Churches aren’t a problem to be fixed, but are part of a strategy God wants to use?

How many of us have even considered that possibility?

And if it is possible, shouldn’t we know that and try to get on board with it?

In a recent post, Is Your Church Stuck Or Just Small? I proposed the idea that just because a a church is small doesn’t mean it is stuck.

But the truth is, many Small Churches are stuck.

So let’s take it one step further today.

If Small Churches are a part of God’s strategy, how can we tell the difference between a strategic Small Church and one that’s just stuck?

I’ve been mulling a few ideas about this. Here’s what I’ve come up with so far.

This isn’t even close to a definitive list, so feel free to add some of your own in the comment section. Keep reading

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