
Saturday, June 07, 2014

Obama Adds Insult to Injury for Sharia-Condemned Young Mother in Sudan

On death row in Sudan last week, Meriam Ibrahim gave birth to a girl, whom she named Maya. The 27-year-old prisoner of conscience is now a step closer to the gallows. On May 15, Meriam was sentenced to be hanged for apostasy from Islam, but the execution was ordered delayed until the then-8-month pregnant defendant delivered and weaned the baby....

The cruel treatment and flagrant denial of religious freedom are shocking even by Sudan's abysmal human rights standards. The case has received wide attention in the international media, and it has stirred high-level outrage. British Prime Minister David Cameron, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, and various U.N. rights experts are among those who have raised their voices in protest. Mia Farrow has started a hashtag campaign (#FreeMeriam) and others are circulating petitions.

But from one quarter there has been noticeable silence. For over two weeks since the verdict was announced there has been no public statements in defense of Meriam from President Barack Obama or any high level U.S. government official. The U.S. State Department spokesperson said the agency was "deeply disturbed" by the sentence imposed on Meriam but "understood that the sentence was open to appeal", thus seeming to suggest that the administration is heartlessly preparing to stand by and passively watch the process play out. Keep reading
From the perspective of sharia law, President Obama is himself an apostate Muslim. His father was a Muslim and consequently he is regarded as a Muslim under sharia law. Obama has never publicly affirmed the tenets of Islam or practiced that faith since he took office. Before he became President, he attended a Christian church. He has on at least one occasion described himself as a Christian. Of the Presidents of the United States, his church attendance, however, has been the poorest. In that regard he appears to be  representative of an increasingly shrinking segment of the US population--the nominal Christian. 

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