
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Panelists debate theology, agree on evangelism

Participants in a panel discussion held during the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting in Baltimore shared their disagreements concerning theology and evangelism, but agreed about the urgency to evangelize.

The breakfast meeting was sponsored by The Gospel Project, a LifeWay curriculum series, and drew more than 500 people for an honest and spirited discussion about how differing views of salvation impact the way Christians do ministry and mission.

Ed Stetzer, general editor of The Gospel Project, hosted the panel discussion on soteriology entitled "Salvation and the Mission of God." Keep reading
What is conspicuously absent from the Anglican Church in North America is this kind of free and open discussion of theological differences.  One of the consequences of this apparent unwillingness to publicly discuss critical issues is that a large number of people in the Anglican Church in North America are woefully ignorant of the Protestant, Reformed, and evangelical character of authentic historic Anglicanism. 

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